Thursday, June 29, 2023


Traveling will make you “smarter,” doesn’t imply that you’re all of a sudden going to become a genius. But travelling will certainly make you more worldly, broaden your mind observing different cultures and languages at the same time.

On the other side of the coin, travelling tends to be dangerous sometimes. It invites many mishaps such as accidents that cause injuries. In this manner, the injured has the right to call his injuries lawyer belonged to Kent car accident lawyer firm for legal assistance.

There are a lot of things you can burn through cash on that don’t expand your IQ, yet travel is one savvy investment that pays yearly profits past the enjoyment of boasting to your companions about your latest vacation. Believe it or not, travel really makes you smarter.

Here are five different ways travel makes you broad-minded.

1. Extended Reality

Heading out to new places truly builds up your sense of reality. As you drink in new sights and sounds, you are expanding the scope of your understanding of the world around you and of new cultures that are unique in relation to yours, which can prompt a wide range of decency, incorporating uplifted achievement in your career, as indicated by one study.

2. Boosted Brain Power

Travel fuels your mind to work at a higher level. One investigation demonstrated that retired individuals who travel have 75 % higher paces of mental stimulation, and 82 % have an increased ability to “complete things,” vs. 57 % of the individuals who don’t travel. The study suggests that “business support utilization of vacation time as an approach to improve wellbeing and health in the workplace.” Take note, bosses all over the place!

3. Better Memory

Venturing out to another nation, or even another area in your nation, where various languages or various inflexions or idioms are spoken, helps to enable you to focus and use short term memory. Obviously, there are additional advantages to learning words and expressions in different dialects that are not found in your local tongue, as it outfits you with methods for portraying things that your essential language might need.

4. Increased Creativity

Taking in the tasteful significance of the Eiffel Tower or La Sagrada Familia isn’t simply charming; it really improves your very own imagination. The more time you invest in different nations, the more creative you become. Adapting to new scents, tastes, and sights make new neuropathic paths in your brain, which empower new ways of thinking and expand your flow of creativity.

5. Strength in Vulnerability

If you’ve ever touched base in an outside nation with zero learning of the language, culture, or social norms and need to battle to make sense of how to get to your goal in one piece, then you recognize what vulnerability feels like. It tends to be startling from the start, however, it’s that capacity to think and react quickly and handle a circumstance that causes you to acknowledge exactly how strong and competent you are. To cite the Buddhist instructor Pema Chödrön: “To be completely alive, completely human, and totally alert is to be consistently tossed out of the home.


One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of observing things.

Monday, May 13, 2019


People usually tend to be impatient if they do not use their mind, conscience and will. Usually, people seek to easily get what they want with little effort, solve a problem immediately, overcome a difficulty, and that the troubles would pass quickly. However, as a requirement of the trial on earth, sometimes things are not solved in such a short time. Sometimes, it may be necessary to work towards something for months, even years, and have patience for a very long period of time. For this reason, people should refrain from misconceptions like “It doesn’t work,” “I should give up making an effort.”

As we all know patience means being less strict towards time. Believers know that patience overcomes all the difficulties they will face in the worldly life, and that it will lead them to the right path. For this reason, with great patience they become self-sacrificing, with patience they forgive people, and with patience they become generous. People who love God and believe in God with all their heart will improve themselves in many ways. One of the beauties of the month of Ramadan that we are in is that it enables people to improve themselves in terms of patience, both bodily and spiritually.

Our Prophet (S.A.W) stated that the month of Ramadan is a month of patience in one of his hadiths, which is as follows:

“O People! There comes upon you now a great month, a most blessed month, in which lies a night greater in worth than one thousand months. It is a month in which God has made compulsory that the fasting should be observed by day; and He has made the worship (tarawih) by night a sunnah. This is indeed the month of patience. And the reward for true patience is paradise. Ramadan is the month of sympathy with one’s fellowmen. It is the month wherein a true believer’s sustenance is increased. (Ibn Khuzaymah, Sahih, III, 191-192,) (Thk. M. M. A’zamî)

Patience is a great virtue, as our Prophet (SAW) remarks, and the month of Ramadan is a very valuable period of time where one can direct his will for this purpose without succumbing to the things we like and take for granted every day. The patience shown until the end of Ramadan will bring the comfort of surrendering to God. Ramadan is an opportunity, a way to train ourselves in spirit and body, to show our love and commitment for God.

Just like we know when the time comes for prayer and we perform it, being patient is also a worship. For this reason, a person who does not eat or drink when he is hungry or thirsty because he is fasting is actually fulfilling another beautiful manner of worship by having beautiful patience.

Whenever someone is being patient, he becomes closer to God and his commitment to God is strengthened. When someone shows patience for God’s favor, it also becomes a reason for happiness for him. Tolerance is people doing something to get it over with as soon as possible, to earn other people’s favors, and, indeed, is not the same kind of worship as patience is. A person who is in a state of mind to just tolerate something is not at peace. That is why it is important and valuable to be patient and not just tolerant during Ramadan as well. And this means that a Muslim displays good morals, speaks beautifully and always give priority to others even when he is hungry, thirsty and tired.

Friday, March 15, 2019


Kailani noticed a bunch of bulky figures standing in the doorway. "What the...?" Suddenly, the party music screeched to a halt. There were confused murmurs and somebody's voice rang out. "Cops!" "Everyone, freeze!" one of the figures called out at the same time. Pandemonium ensued. Students shoved toward the doors, nearly knocking Kailani to the ground. Several police officers ran into the gym and grabbed students. Sirens whooped outside, and microphones blared instructions to freeze and stay calm.

She cut through the mass of kids. Girls hobbled towards the door, unsteady in their heels. Guys took shortcuts over the bleachers, stumbling over the risers. A lacrosse player who'd had too much to drink bumped against Kailani. Students poured into a hallway that lead to the parking lot just as a police car screamed up the entrance. Wheeling around, she sprinted in the opposite direction, down an unfamiliar passage.

Then she continued down the hall, the sandals she was wearing was rubbing blisters on her feet. The hallway was dark, and she could barely see in front of her. She thought she could make out a door at the end of the hall, but what if it led to nowhere? Suddenly, there were footsteps behind her. "You!" a voice called. Kailani spun around, to see a police officer holding a club. She couldn't let him get her or find out who she was. She sprinted faster, her lungs screaming. "You there!" the police officer's voice sounded even closer. "Stop!" Kailani's hands reached out and touched something hard just seconds before she crashed into it. She pulled away, seeing a bookshelf lined with old texts. She felt around for a door, but there was none. "Oh my god," she whispered. She'd hit a dead end.

The officer's walkie-talkie squawked. "I've got one," she heard him say. Kailani looked down, then up. Her heart lifted. A small window glowed a few inches above the shelf. Even better, it was slightly ajar. Her fingers grasped a middle row of the bookshelf, and she set her feet on the bottom row and started to climb. The structure swayed back and forth as she shimmied up the shelves. "Stop!" the officer's shape was visible down the hall. He was running at a full sprint, his club raised above his head. Kailani pulled herself up to the top of the bookshelf and cranked the window as wide as she could. The space was just big enough for her to fit.
She turned onto her stomach and stuck her legs through the window. Her fingertips caught the metal grooves of the window frame as she pushed herself though and dropped to the ground. Her knees bent to absorb the impact, and her hands hit the grass hard. Then she took off running. She was free and the police officer didn't know who he almost caught.

Monday, February 25, 2019


Andrew has always had terrible luck. From minor things such as tripping over his own two feet to even worse luck.... like that one time when he was on the yearbook committee and was taking photos of the spring play when he forgot to turn off the flash on the camera and accidentally blinding Little Suzie, causing her to stumble backwards onto the set, destroying the background and knocking over the majority of the props. Terrible luck.

One morning Andrew was walking to school when he saw an elderly man waiting for the light to change so he could cross. Andrew took a minute out of his day and helped the old man across. The man smiled graciously to Andrew and before he left he whispered something in his ear.
"Your life is shrouded in misfortune,
nevertheless you help others with a good will.
By preforming actions the superstitious would
reject you reverse your fortune."
And with that, the man walked away without another word. Andrew thought that was rather odd but he continued on his way to school.

A few hours later Andrew came home and went into his bathroom to change out of his school clothes. "I wonder what that old man meant." he thought to himself. Suddenly he had an idea.

He grabbed a compact mirror and went to the backyard so his parents and neighbors couldn't question him. Then he threw the mirror sharply on the ground, shattering it at once. While he was cleaning up the mess he made he said to himself, "I wonder if this will really change my luck. Guess I'll find out tomorrow."

The next day Andrew woke up feeling better than ever. He was sure that his day was going to be fantastic. And with that said Andrew went on with his day like never before...

Friday, February 22, 2019


South Korean motor vehicle manufacturer Hyundai has set up an assembly plant in neighboring Ethiopia. It is Hyundai’s first plant in the East African region.

Mr. Haile Gebraselassie, one of the business partners in the assembling venture said that the plant will produce passenger hatchbacks and trucks. The company expects to roll out 10,000 vehicles annually.

Hyundai hopes to attract car buyers by offering affordable alternatives to the highly priced imported vehicles. The company plans to sell its cars in Ethiopia and in neighboring Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, and Djibouti.

Kenya recently revised the age limit for second hand car imports to five years from the earlier limit of eight year. The move aims to reduce the purchase of second hand cars in Kenya.

The assembly plant in Ethiopia will boost the number of affordable cars available to Kenyan buyers as the assembly plants in Kenya are not able to meet demand for vehicles in the country.

Friday, February 15, 2019


The Kenya National Bureau Statistics (KNBS) has released its first gross county product report which provides official statistics on economic size of counties, the structure of county economics and it also estimates the economic potential of the various counties in different sectors.

The publication which covers the period between 2013 and 2017 showed that Nairobi contributed Kenya’s GDP at 21.7 per cent followed by Nakuru, Kiambu and Mombasa with shares of 6.1, 5.5, and 4.7 per cent, respectively.

Only 21 counties led by Bungoma, Tharaka Nithi, Nyandarua, Elgeyo Markwet, Siaya, Nyeri surpassed the average growth in GCP per capita of 2.8 per cent.

KNBS Director General Zachariah Mwangi attributed large populations and thriving economic activities such as agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, financial, real estate and wholesale and retail trade to the high economies of these leading counties.

“Overall, agriculture and services account for the largest share of economic activity in majority of counties,” the GCP report stated.
Nonetheless, agriculture is seen to have a bigger share in contributing to the counties’ economy as major towns like Nairobi and Mombasa, which largely occupy urban centers are seen to have a declining GCP over time.

“Counties that are largely dominated by urban centers, notably Nairobi City and Mombasa, have had their shares of GCP consistently decline over the period mostly due to growth in agriculture’s contribution to gross domestic product.

“On the other hand, counties with strong presence of agricultural activities, particularly horticulture, have consistently improved their share of GCP over the period,” the report stated.

Lamu, Samburu, Isiolo, Tana River, Elgeyo Marakwet, and Baringo were listed as counties with untapped opportunities for industry sector development`while Nairobi, Kiambu, Mombasa, Machakos, Kisumu, Nakuru, and Kajiado thrived in that sector.

“More than a half of county economic activity is driven by services sector. GCP amounted to Ksh 3,992.7 billion in 2017, with services sector accounting for 54.6 per cent, followed by agriculture (24.0 per cent) and industry (21.4 per cent). However, agriculture remained the most spread across counties,” the report added.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


The suspension of Deacons EA Plc (under administration) from trading its shares at the Nairobi Securities Exchange has been extended by the Capital Markets Authority until 30 November 2019.

The decision was made following a proposal from the joint administrators to appoint an Independent Transaction Adviser and ultimately agree on an actionable timetable in the turnaround process.

“Notice is hereby given on the extension of suspension from trading of Deacons EA Plc shares following a proposal from the joint administrators to appoint an Independent Transaction Adviser, subject to the company trading at a profit by September 30, 2019 and thereafter agreeing on an actionable timetable in the turnaround process,” statement issued by NSE noted.

Deacons Plc woes began in November 19 when it was suspended from trading in the bourse for 40 days and subsequently extended for 10 days ending Thursday.

‘The fashion retail company planned to operate four stores at Two Rivers Mall. It invested Ksh400 Million in stock as it awaited the mall’s opening. However, the Kiambu-based mall delayed its open date more than six months. This left the retailer with excess stock and no additional revenue from its investment,” he said.


It  has been almost 55 years since the colonial powers withdrew from Africa. Today, the African countries no longer face military threats ...