Showing posts with label Social Issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Issues. Show all posts

Thursday, June 29, 2023


Traveling will make you “smarter,” doesn’t imply that you’re all of a sudden going to become a genius. But travelling will certainly make you more worldly, broaden your mind observing different cultures and languages at the same time.

On the other side of the coin, travelling tends to be dangerous sometimes. It invites many mishaps such as accidents that cause injuries. In this manner, the injured has the right to call his injuries lawyer belonged to Kent car accident lawyer firm for legal assistance.

There are a lot of things you can burn through cash on that don’t expand your IQ, yet travel is one savvy investment that pays yearly profits past the enjoyment of boasting to your companions about your latest vacation. Believe it or not, travel really makes you smarter.

Here are five different ways travel makes you broad-minded.

1. Extended Reality

Heading out to new places truly builds up your sense of reality. As you drink in new sights and sounds, you are expanding the scope of your understanding of the world around you and of new cultures that are unique in relation to yours, which can prompt a wide range of decency, incorporating uplifted achievement in your career, as indicated by one study.

2. Boosted Brain Power

Travel fuels your mind to work at a higher level. One investigation demonstrated that retired individuals who travel have 75 % higher paces of mental stimulation, and 82 % have an increased ability to “complete things,” vs. 57 % of the individuals who don’t travel. The study suggests that “business support utilization of vacation time as an approach to improve wellbeing and health in the workplace.” Take note, bosses all over the place!

3. Better Memory

Venturing out to another nation, or even another area in your nation, where various languages or various inflexions or idioms are spoken, helps to enable you to focus and use short term memory. Obviously, there are additional advantages to learning words and expressions in different dialects that are not found in your local tongue, as it outfits you with methods for portraying things that your essential language might need.

4. Increased Creativity

Taking in the tasteful significance of the Eiffel Tower or La Sagrada Familia isn’t simply charming; it really improves your very own imagination. The more time you invest in different nations, the more creative you become. Adapting to new scents, tastes, and sights make new neuropathic paths in your brain, which empower new ways of thinking and expand your flow of creativity.

5. Strength in Vulnerability

If you’ve ever touched base in an outside nation with zero learning of the language, culture, or social norms and need to battle to make sense of how to get to your goal in one piece, then you recognize what vulnerability feels like. It tends to be startling from the start, however, it’s that capacity to think and react quickly and handle a circumstance that causes you to acknowledge exactly how strong and competent you are. To cite the Buddhist instructor Pema Chödrön: “To be completely alive, completely human, and totally alert is to be consistently tossed out of the home.


One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of observing things.

Monday, May 13, 2019


People usually tend to be impatient if they do not use their mind, conscience and will. Usually, people seek to easily get what they want with little effort, solve a problem immediately, overcome a difficulty, and that the troubles would pass quickly. However, as a requirement of the trial on earth, sometimes things are not solved in such a short time. Sometimes, it may be necessary to work towards something for months, even years, and have patience for a very long period of time. For this reason, people should refrain from misconceptions like “It doesn’t work,” “I should give up making an effort.”

As we all know patience means being less strict towards time. Believers know that patience overcomes all the difficulties they will face in the worldly life, and that it will lead them to the right path. For this reason, with great patience they become self-sacrificing, with patience they forgive people, and with patience they become generous. People who love God and believe in God with all their heart will improve themselves in many ways. One of the beauties of the month of Ramadan that we are in is that it enables people to improve themselves in terms of patience, both bodily and spiritually.

Our Prophet (S.A.W) stated that the month of Ramadan is a month of patience in one of his hadiths, which is as follows:

“O People! There comes upon you now a great month, a most blessed month, in which lies a night greater in worth than one thousand months. It is a month in which God has made compulsory that the fasting should be observed by day; and He has made the worship (tarawih) by night a sunnah. This is indeed the month of patience. And the reward for true patience is paradise. Ramadan is the month of sympathy with one’s fellowmen. It is the month wherein a true believer’s sustenance is increased. (Ibn Khuzaymah, Sahih, III, 191-192,) (Thk. M. M. A’zamî)

Patience is a great virtue, as our Prophet (SAW) remarks, and the month of Ramadan is a very valuable period of time where one can direct his will for this purpose without succumbing to the things we like and take for granted every day. The patience shown until the end of Ramadan will bring the comfort of surrendering to God. Ramadan is an opportunity, a way to train ourselves in spirit and body, to show our love and commitment for God.

Just like we know when the time comes for prayer and we perform it, being patient is also a worship. For this reason, a person who does not eat or drink when he is hungry or thirsty because he is fasting is actually fulfilling another beautiful manner of worship by having beautiful patience.

Whenever someone is being patient, he becomes closer to God and his commitment to God is strengthened. When someone shows patience for God’s favor, it also becomes a reason for happiness for him. Tolerance is people doing something to get it over with as soon as possible, to earn other people’s favors, and, indeed, is not the same kind of worship as patience is. A person who is in a state of mind to just tolerate something is not at peace. That is why it is important and valuable to be patient and not just tolerant during Ramadan as well. And this means that a Muslim displays good morals, speaks beautifully and always give priority to others even when he is hungry, thirsty and tired.

Friday, February 15, 2019


The Kenya National Bureau Statistics (KNBS) has released its first gross county product report which provides official statistics on economic size of counties, the structure of county economics and it also estimates the economic potential of the various counties in different sectors.

The publication which covers the period between 2013 and 2017 showed that Nairobi contributed Kenya’s GDP at 21.7 per cent followed by Nakuru, Kiambu and Mombasa with shares of 6.1, 5.5, and 4.7 per cent, respectively.

Only 21 counties led by Bungoma, Tharaka Nithi, Nyandarua, Elgeyo Markwet, Siaya, Nyeri surpassed the average growth in GCP per capita of 2.8 per cent.

KNBS Director General Zachariah Mwangi attributed large populations and thriving economic activities such as agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, financial, real estate and wholesale and retail trade to the high economies of these leading counties.

“Overall, agriculture and services account for the largest share of economic activity in majority of counties,” the GCP report stated.
Nonetheless, agriculture is seen to have a bigger share in contributing to the counties’ economy as major towns like Nairobi and Mombasa, which largely occupy urban centers are seen to have a declining GCP over time.

“Counties that are largely dominated by urban centers, notably Nairobi City and Mombasa, have had their shares of GCP consistently decline over the period mostly due to growth in agriculture’s contribution to gross domestic product.

“On the other hand, counties with strong presence of agricultural activities, particularly horticulture, have consistently improved their share of GCP over the period,” the report stated.

Lamu, Samburu, Isiolo, Tana River, Elgeyo Marakwet, and Baringo were listed as counties with untapped opportunities for industry sector development`while Nairobi, Kiambu, Mombasa, Machakos, Kisumu, Nakuru, and Kajiado thrived in that sector.

“More than a half of county economic activity is driven by services sector. GCP amounted to Ksh 3,992.7 billion in 2017, with services sector accounting for 54.6 per cent, followed by agriculture (24.0 per cent) and industry (21.4 per cent). However, agriculture remained the most spread across counties,” the report added.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Tourism is an endowment that is a serious natural gift; an ornament that can raise our county’s profile and make it worthy player in the tourism industry if efficiently and successfully managed. However, it is paramount that we first realize ourselves before we start talking of making any stride and possibly awaken our sleeping gold mine.

The talk of what we can do with the kind of potential we have would be the beginning of our road to becoming a huge player in the industry. Tourism can form a strong pillar for the attainment of vision 2030 and raise our bar higher as we seek to stamp our authority in the region. The potential is there but we need to invest more if we are to reap from the sector.

Our lodges, the wildlife, the rich and diverse culture of our NFD people have by far amazed the tourists that have visited the region. The many other products yet to be developed makes us the envied destination in the world but lack of either understanding or goodwill is denying us the privilege to make something out of nature’s gift.

It’s incumbent on us to develop ways of tapping these monumental resources to benefit our economy. There are brilliant minds out there who can be brought on the table and asked to give suggestions and ideas and the Tourism sector can be able to pick up and make a huge impact to the lives of many. We can create both direct and indirect jobs and improve the economy in ways unimaginable. What do we need to get Right???

Outreach is essence because on our own we can realize so little, we first need to get the inventory of our capacity and understand the policy framework on which we can operate to interrogate its level of success and determine how it can be enhanced and enriched with new thinking, approach and model.

Kenya Tourism Board is the country’s premier statutory institution mandated to show case Kenya’s tourism resources and seek market for it, it’s imperative we lobby KTB to feature Isiolo in it’s marketing campaign so as to raise awareness about its existence and it’s product line on offer. We could support such initiatives by providing them with videos and documentaries that highlight Isiolo’s area of historical significance which will be the campaign’s strongest show and emphasis, the same could be posted on KTB website so that any visitor could benefit Isiolo as well.

Kenya association of tour operators
Kenya association of tour operators is a significant player in the tourism industry and its importance cannot be overemphasised, Isiolo County needs to engage this outfit so as to benefit from it given million memberships base, KATO is the umbrella body that brings together all tour companies in Kenya and partnering with them will be critical, it serves as a bridge between tourist and the market and since KATO members are responsible for managing their client itinerary it will be prudent if they have all the information about isiolo county’s tourism products so as to correctly advise their client and convince them why this destination is superb in terms of offering.

The county authority should also make every effort to package Isiolo as a tourism destination differently as an alternative to the often overstretched and monopolized Maasai Mara while at the same time highlighting the great developmental stride in logistics that could very easily help in connecting Isiolo to the world and facilitate the travelers to Isiolo take advantage of the recently opened Isiolo international airport.

Building of an Interactive Website
In the technology era Isiolo has no excuse not to market its tourism potential using the internet because information empowers and absence from the cyber sphere is not only undoing but embarrassing as it depicts us as inherently analogue.
We can easily let the world know about us and all that we offer, the rates and every other related information from comfort of their home just by visiting the web portal.

Product diversification
Other than only offering a single line of service this lodges and game reserves could think outside the box by enriching its menu by bringing on board cultural tourism where locals could be allowed to organize cultural activities around the camps so that the travelers could share in the experience, this way a client feels he has been accorded value for their money.

Creation of a flagship project
Isiolo county can think of creating a flagship project like the Maralal camel Derby or even Cultural festivals, this project could be done annually with possibly a week long activities that culminate in a major cultural show case involving all communities in Isiolo. We could of course think of a great trek along Ewaso Nyiro river course to explain our people’s migratory lifestyle informed by their nomadic way of life. This would allow the travelers a peep into this unique cultural phenomena, a trek that would culminate in a well organized cultural festival showcasing every aspects of our life.

Friday, September 21, 2018


There was once this country that harboured great ambitions. It dreamt of growing its economy and also gaining membership into the exclusive club of developed nations. Easy access to cheap loans made the dreamless far-fetched. As you would expect, the nation jumped at this rare opportunity and took off on a borrowing spree. With the money in its account, all ambitious development plans were soon abandoned for personal interests.

Borrowed funds were dished out to state employees in form of huge paychecks, sketchy deals were signed off, theft and bribery reigned, and figures were cooked to cover the country’s financial position. Does this sound like Kenya? No, I’m talking about Greece.

I am currently reading Michael Lewis’s book “Boomerang” on the European fiscal crisis. The resemblance of events in Greece in the early 2000’s to the current drama in Kenya is astonishing. The story on Greece is in the second chapter of the book going by the interesting title “And they Invented Math”.

Michael narrates how anarchy reigned in Greece’s economy at the start of the 21st century. Corruption was the standard way of life in the country. If anyone needed the service of a government officer, he or she had to pay a bribe. The country’s wage bill doubled in just twelve years and its debt rose to 1.2 trillion dollars. The madness was so pervasive he notes that “….the only Greeks who paid taxes were the ones who could not avoid doing so- salaried employees… who had their taxes withheld from their paychecks,” Every other worker in the informal sector evaded taxes.

Every single day Greeks devised new ways to steal from the state. A group of monks traded in a fairly valueless lake for prime government land. The write states that “The Greek state was not just corrupt but also corrupting.”
Ultimately, Greece’s day of reckoning arrived in 2010. The North European state had little choice but to change its ways. Some of the adjustments were; sale of national assets, reduction in government expenditure and tax hikes.

As you would expect, Greeks did not like the decision and quickly took to the streets in protest. The protests lasted a few months during which a lot of damage was done on the already struggling economy. Despite the cuts on expenditure, tax hikes, and several bailouts, Greece’s economy has still not recovered from the setback.

As for Kenya, our day of reckoning has come; the show is about to start. Government expenditure is at unprecedented levels. The debt is at the all-time high of Kenya shillings 5 trillion. Kenyan’s are feeling the pain of reckless spending. Swift action is needed from our leaders. I can only hope that our leaders will act responsibly and provide a permanent solution to the problems we are facing. In the meantime, we brace for tough times ahead.

Monday, September 17, 2018


Affordability and convenience
This is one of the main reasons why co-working has grown in popularity. Most professionals especially the young, do not have the capital to rent and furnish a full stack office. Co-working gives them just what they want, the ability to walk in and out at their pleasure while having the ability to access the same privileges known to regular office holders at a small fee and then something more. This type of convenience is quite attractive to most people and even established professionals are beginning to take notice

Flexibility and job control
When you are a freelancer, an independent consultant, or another professional flexibility and job control may be a preference. Circumstances may require you to relocate to another city or you may travel to work with a client in another town for some time. Co-working arrangements give you the ability to tap in such flexible options without worrying about the consequences. Being able to control what, when and where you can work is a massive dose of freedom and control.

A sense of community
One of the key elements that make co-working what they are is the sense of community that grows out of the peer to peer interactions under such circumstances. There is a culture knit behind these divergent communities that creates a sense of synergy. Having a software developer, a lawyer, and engineer, and a marketer under the same roof and within arm’s reach is different from working at a traditional office staffed with only lawyers for example. The sense of belonging to a wider network of professionals offers no mean incentive.

Your network is your net worth
It’s all about people. That’s why the importance of networking ever more relevant with the ever increasing flow of information and connectivity between people, devices and things. Success in the modern working environment requires networks that spurn any one given profession and there is no better place to create networks than at the place where there are other people who also want to expand and share their networks.

Access to divergent talent pool
What you work on is important but more important is who you work with. Finding the right talent can be tasking and expensive, that is why most corporates actually outsource talent acquisition. For small businesses and start-ups for instance, a co-working environment gives access to a wide range of talent to choose from. Furthermore, you have the option to build relationships before hiring or just partnering on one off projects.

Convenience for meetings and events
As an independent consultant or a small business, getting space for meetings and conferences while operating from home can be an inconvenience on time and costs. The interesting thing about co-working is that it is accompanied by ample meeting and conference rooms so you can easily schedule meet ups, conferences and events. In addition, it gives you a flexible address for references. While co-working continues to grow, some savvy older professionals and businesses have begun taking notice and offer their team members opportunities for co-working to avoid being left out.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Online money transfer service World Remit says it has launched a new digital money transfer service to be rolled out in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. The new service is expected to reduce the cost of sending money across borders which has been a major hurdle to regional integration.   

"Just as WorldRemit has revolutionized the way people send money from developed countries, our vision is to do the same within Africa. From the frequent traveler, who works in different countries, to the small business owner buying goods abroad, our new fast service will offer the benefits of lower cost and greater convenience.” Ismail Ahmed, CEO and Co-founder of WorldRemit. 

The company was founded by Ismail Ahmed and is backed by venture capital companies; Accel Partners and Technology Crossover ventures while recording transfers of more than $1.6 billion at an annualized rate to the region. With customers sending transfers from over 50 countries to over 145 destinations globally, the firm prides itself to having quick, secure and low cost transfers providing SME’s an alternative to costly traditional money transfer systems.

Saturday, August 25, 2018


No one in this world is perfect. At time when chips is down people look up to their role models so as to be motivated. Often when we are on lows of life we seek something or someone who is going to inspire us. Like energy can neither be created nor destroyed, “MOTIVATION” cannot be created or destroyed.


I believe like “LIFE CYCLE” we also have “MOTIVATION CYCLE”. Let me give you an example– From the moment we breathe our first breath to our last breath we are always motivated. We are motivated by doctors at time of birth to cry as its sign of been healthy. After reaching few months we are motivated by parents to utter gibberish words, few months later we are motivated to crawl, and then walk without support. In later stages we are motivated to get educated, to get job, earn and have luxurious lifestyle. We can see here “MOTIVATION CYCLE” is running parallel to our life cycle. 

Motivation like goals can differ from person to person. For student scoring top grades is top priority hence he may channel his energy and get motivated to obtain top rank. For farmer to have good harvest can be key for motivation, similarly motivation differs from person to person and gradually changes by time. Channelizing concentration and energy towards right path and common motive is key to success. 

I believe all religious books are based on concept of motivation. If you don’t believe me, let me throw my Thesis to you (It is your choice to accept my thesis or not). The entire religious book believes in concept of afterlife. This concept is prime drive for people to do good works and it motivates monotheist to observe their respective religion peacefully. Without these motivation and perks of afterlife do you think people would follow old books religiously?


I would like to give tips to readers on how to be motivated. 
1) Be sure of your goals. Clear goals can make it easier to see the paths. Work hard towards goal and get motivated on every step taken while achieving this goal. 
2) Get inspired from role model but do not copy them, We lose our identity when we imitate them. Let these role models be our motivators. Do not mold to be exact replica of your role model.
3) Don’t copy goals, don’t think others  motivation will be your key to success.
4) Even smallest of smallest can inspire us and motivate us. Be humble enough to accept your motivator even if it embraces you.

Finally I would like to conclude that be positive and believe in yourself and give your best. I would like to twist famous comic quote and end here by saying “With great goals comes great Motivation”

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


If you’ve ever owned a smartphone, these stages of becoming addicted to an app might sound a bit too familiar. If at any time while you’re reading this you find yourself relating to one at the present moment, please proceed to stage 8 for the sake of your wallet, time, and sanity.

1. Sounds interesting, I’ll download it.
You’ve been browsing through the app store for 10 minutes now, wondering when your pizza that’s in the oven will be done yet. You stumble across a fun looking game with cute cartoons and a high user rating. You look up to the oven clock. It reads: “9:00”. You think, might as well. You download the app to make the time pass.

2. I like playing this game, every once in a while. During every break at work, as you browse through your phone, you may open it a few times and play it a bit. You will leave and come back to it periodically, trying not to ruin the app’s fun-meter by playing it too often.

3. This game is my life.
Every second you can spare is put into this game. You have become invested in how the game ends up and the competitiveness in you begins to gradually rise. You have to get to the next level. You have to beat this game. You can’t waste time eating anymore, the game is too important.

4. I’m considering the in-app purchases.
To make this game go faster and to get those cool upgrades, you will consider buying the in-app purchases. You will try to convince yourself that this purchase is worth it because “it’s only a few dollars”, but your inner conscious wins you over and you avoid purchasing anything.

5. I’m gonna get the in-app purchase.
You ignore your inner conscious and purchase a cool upgrade.

6. No sleep, just play.
Now that you have put real money into this game, you cannot lose this game or give up on it. You must put all your time and energy into it. There is no more time for you to sleep because you spend every waking hour playing this game.

7. I’m bored now, I’ve practically beat the game. You’ve finally played this game for a solid month without stopping. You have beat the game. Now you are bored with it and begin to forget that it is still on your phone because there is no sense opening up the game that you have already beat.

8. Delete it.
It’s now been five weeks since you last opened the app, you have finally decided that it’s time to delete it off of your phone to save space. You have a final moment of sentimentality before removing it forever…only to download the second version.


It is official: Digital movie collection service Movies Anywhere, owned and operated by Disney, has added Microsoft Movies and TV as its sixth digital retail partner. Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, Apple’s iTunes and Walmart’s Vudu were partnered with the service at launch last October. FandangoNow, Fandango’s on-demand video service, came aboard in March.

Microsoft Movies and TV is the software giant’s online video service that offers movies and TV shows for rent as well as purchase. Purchased content can be viewed on any Windows 10 or Xbox device or downloaded for future offline viewing. It is available in more than 20 countries.

Back in March, a Microsoft rep said the company was “in discussions with Movies Anywhere about bringing their service on-board.” Indications that Microsoft was imminently joining the service leaked out Monday, after the Microsoft Movies and TV logo showed up on the Movies Anywhere website.

Movies Anywhere and Microsoft are promoting their new relationship with two limited-time offers. Movies Anywhere users will get an exclusive sneak peek at a bonus feature from “Deadpool 2.” The clip, from a feature titled “Until Your Face Hurts: Alt Takes,” gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at the cast collaboration that resulted in “hilarious on-set improv” and alt takes. Through Aug. 28, users who sync their account for the first time with Microsoft (or another participating digital retailer) will automatically receive a copy of 20th Century Fox and Marvel’s “X-Men: Days of Future Past” in their digital movie collection.

“This launch has been highly anticipated by our most passionate movie fans, and we are very excited to bring Microsoft into the Movies Anywhere family,” Karin Gilford, GM of Movies Anywhere, said in a statement. “Movies Anywhere brings your movie collection together quickly and easily, and we’re thrilled to share this benefit with Microsoft customers.”

According to Movies Anywhere, since its launch nine months ago, consumers have stored more than 135 million movies on the app. “We are thrilled that Microsoft now supports Movies Anywhere,” said Pedro Gutierrez, director of Microsoft Movies and TV. Movies Anywhere, which operates as a cloud-based movie collection service, offers consumers access to a library of nearly 7,500 digital movies.

Movies Anywhere includes titles from Sony Pictures Entertainment, The Walt Disney Studios (encompassing Disney, Pixar, Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm), Twentieth Century Fox Film, Universal Pictures (including DreamWorks and Illumination Entertainment) and Warner Bros. Paramount and Lionsgate are not yet participating studios.

Thursday, August 2, 2018


Only 13% of Isiolo County residents have a secondary level of education or above. Isiolo North constituency has the highest share of residents with a secondary level of education or above with 16%.
This is twice Isiolo South constituency, which has the lowest share of the residents with a secondary level of education or above. Isiolo North constituency is 3 percentage points above the county average.
Two wards, Wabera and Bula Pesa, have the highest share of the residents with a secondary level of education or above at 29% each. This is almost 10 times Oldonyiro ward, which has the lowest share of residents with a secondary level of education or above. Wabera and Bula Pesa are 16 percentage points above the county average.
A total of 36% of Isiolo County residents have a primary level of education only. Isiolo North constituency has the highest share of residents with a primary level of education only at 37%. This is 4 percentage points above Isiolo South constituency, which has the lowest share of residents with a primary level of education only.
Isiolo North constituency is 1 percentage point above the county average. Bula Pesa ward has the highest share of residents with a primary level of education at 47%. This is three times Oldonyiro ward, which has the lowest share of residents with primary only. Bula Pesa ward is 11 percentage points above the county average.
A total of 51% of Isiolo county residents have no formal education. Isiolo South constituency has the highest share of residents with no formal education at 60%.This is 13 percentage points above Isiolo North constituency, which has the lowest share of residents with no formal education.
Isiolo South constituency is 9 percentage points above the county average. Oldonyiro ward has the highest percentage of residents with no formal education at 83%. This is three times Bula Pesa ward, which has the lowest percentage of residents with no formal education. Oldonyiro ward is 32 percentage points above the county average.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Only 13% of Isiolo County residents have a secondary level of education or above. Isiolo North constituency has the highest share of residents with a secondary level of education or above at 16%. Academic performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary/Primary Education in almost all the subjects offered has been low in Isiolo County. However, the major factors contributing to this trend have not been clearly understood.

This therefore limits the ability of educational stakeholders to improve the performance in KCSE. A research was carried out recently to investigate the socio-economic, socio-cultural and school based factors that are affecting student‟s performance in KCSE in Isiolo County. Seven research questions were formulated to guide the study. The study adapted survey descriptive design. The target population for the study constituted about 500 form 4 students, 17 form 4 class teachers representing all the 17 classes (streams) in the 10 schools, and 10 head teachers totaling to 527 people. The sample size comprised of 124 respondents or about 18.

Respondents in each of the seven schools who included head teachers, form four class teachers and form four students. All the head teachers and form four class teachers of the sampled seven schools were purposively included in the sample of respondents.

Three quality assurance and standard officers were also among those interviewed. The study used questionnaires, interviews and observation schedule. Findings has shown that socio-economic and socio-cultural factors affected KCSE performance in the county. It also revealed that school based factors like teacher shortage among others contributed to poor performance of KCSE in the county.

Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that socio- economic and socio- cultural and school based factors affected KCSE performance. Based on the findings it was recommended that the schools should be provided with the required facilities to facilitate learning. It was also recommended that the government should provide bursary for needy children and employ more teachers to tackle the problem of teacher shortage.

The study also recommended that the head teachers should supervise teachers to ensure quality teaching and should strive to enhance discipline in the school. The community should be educated on the importance should also be sensitized on the importance education. The study suggested that a study on assessment of the implications of current policies on the education of the nomadic and pastoralists.

It was also suggested that a study on an investigation on the effects of social cultural practices on education of the nomadic pastoralists should be conducted and lastly a study on effect of teacher demographics on student performance should be conducted.

Saturday, July 28, 2018


Today, people of the world are connected to each other like they have never been before. A farmer in Kenya can befriend a fisherman in China, while a young girl from Europe can exchange the latest fashion trends with her peers in Africa. In other words, our world is a very different, much more socially active place than it was a century ago.

Our acquaintances are no longer limited to families, neighbours or colleagues. Limitless options offered by the age of the Internet and communications seem to have brought everyone closer.
But, how is it possible that despite all the connection possibilities offered by the Internet, people feel lonelier than ever? It is clear that our reliance on technology increases every day, but it is also obvious that social technology or virtual communication doesn’t really replace actual, face-to- face interaction. Nevertheless, people continue to turn to false and less rewarding forms of communication.

Many young people today, instead of spending time with friends, choose to get behind a computer monitor where it is safer to be in the presence of virtual friends. It is not unusual for people to have thousands of virtual friends on the Internet, but not even know who lives next door. Similarly, most people don’t feel the need to visit their relatives any more and instead choose to seek solace in the company of their Internet associations or pets.

However, this is a dangerous trend. According to studies, loneliness can increase the risk of mortality by 26 per cent and when it becomes a long term issue, it can be more dangerous than smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Feeling lonely negatively affects mental health and can lead to feelings of depression.
This is not surprising. Scientists discovered that social pain can be just as real as physical pain, because physical pain and loneliness activate the same parts of the brain.

It is clear that this is a problem that we need to tackle urgently. People are not created to be alone; we need to
socialise and interact with others. This is also the only way for young people to develop healthily and properly. Unless the epidemic of loneliness is addressed now, it is not too difficult to imagine the problem becoming more severe within the next couple of decades. Young people who are growing up with this sense of loneliness will soon be running the world and their mental health and stability should not be compromised by feeling of loneliness and isolation, matters that can be easily addressed.

Naturally, loneliness has an even worse effect on the elderly. Millions of seniors around the world struggle with lonely lives because they’ve been abandoned either by their families or society.
Depression and dementia are usually associated with isolation and loneliness, and many suffer these problems only because society and their families fail to show them the required affection and take care of them. However, for every problem there is a solution and loneliness is certainly not an unsolvable one.

First of all, it is important to prevent the constant inculcation of self-centred and materialistic ideas. Instead, people should be encouraged to be more attentive, caring and selfless. They should understand the health benefits of showing affection, care, and having real, physical socialisation. This awareness should be supported with campaigns informing people of the health hazards of loneliness in addition to their future implications for the societies.

Nursing homes could be built on the same premises as universities so that these two groups at the two edges of the age gap can interact. In this way, young people will be able to benefit from the invaluable life experiences of seniors, while senior citizens are saved from the trap of loneliness and can enjoy their later years in the presence of good company.

Britain particularly suffered from the problem and responded by setting up a ministry in charge of tackling isolation and loneliness. Theresa May announced that Tracey Crouch, whose official title is the Minister for Sport and Civil Society, will be working on a national strategy to address loneliness across all ages. It is also reported that the ministry will devise methods to measure loneliness and set up a fund to develop a wider strategy to solve the issue.

Friday, July 27, 2018


Isiolo County is located in the northern part of the former Eastern Province, 285 kilometers north of Nairobi.
Covering an area of 25, 336.1 square kilometers, it is expansive when compared to other counties.
The county borders seven other counties: Samburu to the east, Garissa to the east, Tana River to the south east, Kitui and Meru to the south west, Marsabit to the North West and Wajir to the north east.
Isiolo town came about after the First World War.
The Somali ex- army officers who participated in the war settled in Isiolo, intermarrying with the local Samburu and Cushitic pastoralists.

Isiolo County constitutes two constituencies; Isiolo North and Isiolo South.
The county's top leaders are Dr. Kuti Muhamed Abdi (Governor), Rehema Dida (Women Representative), Fatuma Dhulo(Senator), Hassan Odha (MP-Isiolo North) and Abdi Koropu (MP-Isiolo South).

The population tally in the county according to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics report of 2009 is 143,294. 51% of the population is male while 49% is female. Isiolo County is inhabited by the Turkana, Borana, Somali and Meru communities, with the Boranas forming the largest portion of the population.

Isiolo residents are either Muslims or Christians, with the highest percentage of the population being of the Muslim faith, something that is evident from the many mosques seen as one traverses the county. Most if not all the Somalis and a sizeable number of Boranas are Muslims while the Ameru practice Christianity.
Scarcity of arable land and pasture is a daily challenge for the people of Isiolo, a phenomena that is witnessed from the constant community conflicts that plague the county. The Borana are nomadic pastoralists, moving from one area to another - within the county and in neighboring counties in search of pasture and water for their goats, camels and cows.
Traditionally, men are entrusted with livestock rearing and securing against cattle rustlers, while the women stay home and perform all domestic duties including constructing the houses; mostly out of mud and taking care of the children. Among the Borana, Turkana, and Ameru, the younger boys normally take care of the goats while young men take care of the cows. As cattle raids are expected at any time, the young strong men go around armed, in search of pasture and water for livestock.
Cattle rustling is almost an acceptable tradition of the Turkanas, but one that consequently affects other tribes like the Borana and the Maasai who are then forced to protect their livestock from the cattle raiders.

Isiolo town serves as the county headquarters. The town is cosmopolitan with the Somalis, Boranas, and the Merus forming the largest chunk of the residents. Although the town is comparatively small in size, it is significant for hosting travellers as they commute between the towns of Marsabit and Moyale.
Isiolo airport, the only airport is currently under construction to expand and upgrade it to international standards, thereby enhancing trade with neighboring countries like Somalia and facilitating transport of goods, visitors and tourists who frequent the county. Isiolo town provides easy access to tourists visiting the Meru national park, Shaba, Samburu game reserves as well as Maasai Mara game reserve - all located in neighboring counties.

Most parts of Isiolo County are arid and receives less than 150 mm annually. Areas like Garbatulla are totally dry and no agricultural activity takes place.
Kinna region represents the semi-arid area that support pastoralism, but the residents are forced to move to neighboring counties often in search of water and pasture for their livestock especially during the dry season.
Generally, the county receives low rainfall of between 300-500 mm per year, and experiences temperatures ranging from 12°C to 28°C. The common vegetation is shrubs and acacia trees which thrive well in arid areas.
The county’s average altitude is 200-300 meters above the sea level although other areas of the county go up to 1000 meters above sea level. Lorian swamp forms the lowest point of the county. The soil is mostly sandy and saline and has a low water holding capacity, making it difficult to engage in agricultural activities.

The Ameru community in the area practice agriculture and livestock keeping in small scale and this makes their lifestyle different from the other communities. They mainly grow vegetables like cabbages, tomatoes and carrots that they sell in Isiolo and Nanyuki town. Livestock keeping is practiced widely especially in Kinna and around Lorian Swamp where pasture and water is more available.
The livestock products are consumed within Isiolo town and the rest supplied to major towns like Nairobi. The Kenya Meat Commission is a major buyer of livestock from the farmers. Borana and Turkana women participate in jewelry making, crafting jewelry that they inturn sell to tourists who visit the town.
Past historical injustices and poor infrastructure that have hindered growth and development in this county will soon be a thing of the past as the current goverment works hard to elevate the county by improving education, infrastructure and general standards of living for the people of Isiolo County who live in abject poverty.

Isiolo District hospital is the only district hospital in this county, with 24 small health centers found in different wards of the county. Al Falah medical Centre, a private hospital located in Isiolo town is another that caters for the health needs of the people of Isiolo.

Although the pastoral communities have been slow in adapting modern lifestyle and embracing education, the county has over 90 primary schools, 11 secondary schools and 1 tertiary institution. Isiolo Boys High school, Isiolo Girls High School and Garbatula are among the top schools.
St. Mary’s Secretarial College is the only tertiary institution. The government, with the assistance of local NGOs have been persistently working over the years to increase enrollment in learning institutions and ensure that children in Isiolo get quality education, are shielded from early marriages and retrogressive cultural practices that have in the past prevented them from pursuing formal education.

The county has five conservation areas with many animal species, which attract both local and international tourists. Tourist attraction sites include: Lewa Downs, Buffalo Springs, Shaba, and Bisanadi game reserves.
Isiolo is best known for its abundant wildlife and spectacular landscapes. From the big five to the Maasai Ostriches, Isiolo has it all. The best places to see these animals is Buffalo Springs and the famous Shaba national reserve. These places are teaming with wildlife and offer visitors opportunity to see nature at its best as all animals struggle to survive in their natural habitat.

The county is accessible both by road and air, with the Isiolo airport taking care of most if not all air transport requirements. There are scheduled flights to different game reserves like the Lewa and Buffalo Springs. Isiolo Town is close to 300 kms from Nairobi and is accessible by road using the A2 road from Nairobi through Nanyuki to Isiolo. The road is in good condition and the journey from Nairobi to Isiolo takes roughly 3.5hrs to 4hrs.

The county has several good hotels and lodges which offer affordable accommodation. Some of the hotels are Hills restaurant and Shaba Game Lodge. Other low budget hotels located in the heart of Isiolo town include Bomen Hotel, Moti Pearl Hotel and Mocharo lodge. These hotels are relatively cheap and the daily rates are inclusive of breakfast.

Isiolo town is a business town with several commercial banks and one micro-finance institution that serve its people. These include Barclays Bank, Consolidated Bank Kenya, Kenya Commercial Bank, Post Bank, K-rep Bank and Equity Bank.

There are many small shops found within Isiolo town and its environs. The Maendeleo shopping mall located in Isiolo town has many shops selling different items, from laptops to clothes at competitive prices. There is also a miraa market next to BP petrol station Isiolo. Small roadside shops selling carvings and jewelry are found along the Nanyuki Isiolo road and towards the game parks.

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Samburu County is located in the former Rift Valley Province of Kenya, about 300km north of Nairobi.The county covers an area of 21,022.27 sq km with a population of about 224,000 people.
Samburu is one of the driest counties in Kenya with temperatures ranging between 25°C during the coldest months (June and July) and 35°C during the hottest months (January to March). The county receives between 200mm and 250mm of rainfall annually. The rainfall pattern is unpredictable and at times the county receives no rain in a whole year.

Samburu is accessible from Nairobi by road through Isiolo via Archers Post, along the Isiolo-Marsabit road. The 350 km road journey usually takes about five hours. The route is serviced by one bus daily in either direction between Maralal and Isiolo.
The county is also accessible from Nyahururu via the 150km Nyahururu-Rumuruti-Maralal road. The route is serviced by one bus daily in either direction between Maralal and Nyahururu. However, this road has not been repaired for many years and may be impassable during the rains.
You can also access Samburu by air from Wilson Airport in Nairobi. Air Kenya operates daily scheduled flights to Samburu and Buffalo Spring airstrips.

Tourist attractions in Samburu County include; Samburu National Reserve,Shaba National Park, Buffalo Springs National Reserve and Maralal National Reserve.
Samburu National Reserve is situated along the Ewaso Ngiro River about 350km from Nairobi. The 165 sq km reserve is home to a thriving population of wildlife including elephants, cheetah, leopard, gerenuk, wild dogs and many other species. A variety of over 450 bird species are also found in this park.
To the south of Samburu National Park is the 131sq.KM Buffalo Springs National Reserve , an animal sanctuary that supports many rare species of wildlife including the endangered Grevy’s zebra, Beisa oryx and the reticulated giraffe.
Shaba National Reserve , also located to the south of Samburu National Park, supports a huge population of wildlife as well as over 350 bird species. The little known Maralal National Reserve situated in the heart of Samburu County is an ideal destination for wildlife viewing safari. Some of the animals that can be spotted here include zebra, hyena, buffalo, leopard and eland.

Samburu County offers a wide choice of places to stay during your visit. Popular ones include Samburu Desert Rose Lodge, Samburu Sopa Lodge, Samburu Saasab Camp, Samburu Intrepids Camp, Samburu Saruni Lodge and Samburu Serena Lodge.
The leading facilities include Samburu Elephant Watch Camp, Samburu Bedouin Camp, Samburu Elephant Bedroom Camp, Samburu Larsens Tented Camp and Samburu Kitich Camp. Quality budget lodgings can be found in Maralal town.

Isiolo County is located in the northern part of the former Eastern Province, 285 kilometers north of Nairobi.Covering an area of 25, 336.1 square kilometers, it is expansive when compared to other counties.

The county has five conservation areas with many animal species, which attract both local and international tourists. Tourist attraction sites include: Lewa Downs , Buffalo Springs , Shaba , and
Bisanadi game reserves.
Isiolo is best known for its abundant wildlife and spectacular landscapes. From the big five to the Maasai Ostriches, Isiolo has it all. The best places to see these animals is Buffalo Springs and the famous Shaba national reserve. These places are teaming with wildlife and offer visitors opportunity to see nature at its best as all animals struggle to survive in their natural habitat.

The county has several good hotels and lodges which offer affordable accommodation. Some of the hotels are Hills restaurant and Shaba Game Lodge. Other low budget hotels located in the heart of Isiolo town include Bomen Hotel, Moti Pearl Hotel and Mocharo lodge. These hotels are relatively cheap and the daily rates are inclusive of breakfast.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


In this day and age, a large part of the world is struggling through great turbulences both politically and socially. But despite all these turbulences and the negativity, there are people in many places of the world who would like to see the world a better place. These people are looking for solutions to the problems with all their might. They consider the problems of different people in different countries and continents as their own, and want to atleast solve their problems. These people are sincerely prepared to make sacrifices to find solutions to hunger in Africa, to civil wars, poverty, income inequality, and armament.

The goal of those people who want to change the world is to live in a fairer world. Certainly the efforts of these people ignite a spark of excitement in other people but they can’t instill this passion sufficiently to the masses. Thus they remain as movements which flare-up and die; sometimes, they are marginalized and pushed into the underground. But the problem is that many of them are unable to find the right methods. For instance, although some movements fighting against racism emerge with the right intentions, they sometimes deviate to the path of violence due to their frustration caused by their inability to find a solution. Violence, on the other hand, is a wrong path to take when trying to correct something; one that renders you wrong even if you were initially right. Teaching people justice and love is never possible through violence.

Those who have set their sights on changing the world, have to find new and correct ways to instill their passion into others. They have to make an effort for works that would achieve success and eventually make people happy instead of transient protests that people are accustomed to see on the streets. To do this, they have to set out with the right ideology.

Religion is a very good unifying factor; it teaches justice and love. In its foundation lies respect for all people, all beliefs and all ideas. Therefore, an atmosphere of love based on religion is an atmosphere where everyone can feel comfortable and where justice is upheld for everyone. This atmosphere ensured by religion is a source of motivation that all people, religious or not, can ally in.

Since religious people are wholeheartedly devoted to God, they experience self-sacrifice, sincerity, honesty, patience, and most importantly, goodness that people yearn for, perfectly. Sincerely religious people show every effort to erase evil from the face of this world. They do their very best for those who are in difficulty. For the good pleasure of God, they use all their time, material means and physical strength for this goal. That is why “the alliance of the good” is important for religious people. Faithful Christians, Jews and Muslims acting together form the greatest alliance that can achieve the greatest of dreams.

The ones we really mean here are the true religious people. We do not address these remarks to those who adhere to superstitions, to radicals and extremists who want hatred instead of love. Interpreting the religion differently by adhering to superstitions is a slander against religion to begin with. Therefore, the alliance that we mean must be made with the true religious people who know that the essence of the religion is love.

In fact, there are also people who have these qualities among the non-religious. For this reason, an alliance between the religious people and people from non-religious circles who strive for beautiful goals is also important. People with common-sense who want to change the world will be able to make great breakthroughs by taking the religious people, who are ready to make all kinds of sacrifices for love and peace, with them and making the mosques, churches and synagogues their area of activity.

Do not forget that evil has not developed on its own in this world, nor does it remain standing unregulated. Behind it are people whose interests lie in this environment.  If we are talking about hunger in Africa today, poverty in the Philippines, drugs and violence widespread in Latin America, everyone knows that at one point in history, these regions were oppressed in the name of colonialism and deliberately left poor. As the nations of Africa became poor, a privileged group got rich. The real killers of those who’ve died in cartel wars in Mexico are the people who manage the drug trafficking and increase their ill-gotten gains from it with every passing minute. In the Philippines, if there are people living in squalor, next to them are the people who live in extravagance beyond the dreams of avarice.

Evil is an organized movement. It is an organism that operates worldwide and that immediately grows a new arm when it loses another one. Those who seek evil strive to drive a wedge between the good poles of the world, and target religious people as their first move. That is because they know very well that they cannot survive an alliance of the good ones. It is not possible for people, countries or even small alliances to survive alone against it. Therefore, the alliance of the good must be big and organized. That is the only way that will prevent the insidious traps of the evil ones and make the world a better place in the near future.


Isiolo County has a population of just over 143,000 people. Almost about half of the population is aged below 15, 16% are aged under 5 and 24% are aged 10-19. Isiolo County’s total fertility rate (4.9) is higher than the national rate of 3.9 and also means that Isiolo County has a high birth rate.

The adolescent birth rate is also high – more than 1 in every 10 girls aged 15-19 gives birth every year. Isiolo County is one of 15 Counties that account for over 60% of maternal deaths in Kenya. The latest estimate of the County’s maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is 790 deaths per 100,000 live births.

Child mortality rates in Isiolo County mirror the national trend although the neonatal death rate is slightly higher and infant and under five death rates are slightly lower. High maternal and child death rates are linked to high birth rates and limited access to life saving maternal and child health interventions.

This fact sheet highlights the status of key reproductive, maternal and child health interventions in Isiolo County, in relation to the national status. The data are drawn from the 2009 and 2018 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, the Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS, 2018), the UN and other national and global studies.

Friday, July 20, 2018


Most teens today own a smartphone and go online every day, and about a quarter of them use the internet "almost constantly,". Heavy use of texting, video chatting, and social media may contribute to the onset of symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in youth. Among a large group of adolescents who did not have symptoms of ADHD at baseline, frequent use of digital media was found to be associated with the emergence of new ADHD symptoms.

The average number of digital media activities used at a high-frequency rate was 3.62. The most common media activity was checking social media; 54.1% of students were in the high-use category on this activity. In other words, teens who were high frequency users of seven or 14 digital media platforms were more than twice as likely to develop ADHD symptoms than teens who did not use any media platform at a high frequency rate,

According to the researchers, higher-frequency use of digital media was significantly associated with subsequent symptoms of ADHD during the 24-month follow-up period (odds ratio, 1.11; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06 - 1.16 per each additional digital media activity).

On average, ADHD symptoms emerged during follow-up in 9.5% of the students who reported engaging in seven high-frequency digital media activities and in 10.5% of those who reported engaging in all 14 high-frequency digital media activities, compared with only 4.6% of students who reported not engaging in any of the digital media activities.

The association between higher-frequency digital media use and subsequent ADHD symptoms was "statistically significant but modest," the researchers write. Stronger associations between media use and ADHD were found among adolescents who had more mental health symptoms, such as delinquent behavior and depressive symptoms.

Thursday, July 19, 2018


The Maternal child health (MCH) Program envisions a nation where all mothers, children and youth, including children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN), and their families are healthy and thriving. The mission of  Maternal Child Healtg is to improve the health and well-being of the nation’s mothers, infants, children, and youth, including children and youth with special health care needs, and their families.

Isiolo County has a population of just over 143,000 people. Almost about half of the population is aged below 15, 16% are aged under 5 and 24% are aged 10-19. Isiolo County’s total fertility rate (4.9) is higher than the national rate of 3.9 and also means that Isiolo County has a high birth rate.

The adolescent birth rate is also high – more than 1 in every 10 girls aged 15-19 gives birth every year. Isiolo County is one of 15 Counties that account for over 60% of maternal deaths in Kenya. The latest estimate of the County’s maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is 790 deaths per 100,000 live births.

Child death rates in Isiolo County mirror the national trend although the neonatal death rate is slightly higher and infant and under five death rates are slightly lower. High maternal and child death rates are linked to high birth rates and limited access to life saving maternal and child health interventions.

This fact sheet highlights the status of key reproductive, maternal and child health interventions in Isiolo County, in relation to the national status. The data are drawn from the 2009 and 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, the Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS, 2007), the United Nation (UN) and other national and global studies.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


We will miss this World Cup like no other. The day after Bastille Day France were crowned champions and deservedly so. But only after the most remarkable, crazy and controversial encounter against a courageous Croatia in which there was a VAR storm, and an actual storm in the skies above Moscow, a first-ever own goal in a World Cup Final, a cool strike from a new global superstar, an horrific goalkeeping blunder by the man who lifted the trophy - and a Pussy Riot pitch invasion.

To secure its status as the best ever World Cup the tournament needed a memorable final. It got it. What a finale it was to this 31-day festival of football, as Gareth Southgate called it, and it was the highest-scoring final since England beat West Germany 4-2 in 1966. Well, they sang football’s coming home. At least the score was the same and while England and their fans will never stop dreaming of what might have been - just 22 minutes from the final, if anyone needed reminding - France have the 18-carat gold, 14-inch, 11lb trophy for the second time ever and the second time in 20 years.

France waited until the game was over, until the fireworks shot into the sky and the rain soaked them to the skin, until that glistening trophy was safe in their hands and golden confetti sparkled in their hair.
Only then, once France’s players knew they had emerged triumphant from a World Cup of chaos and abandon, a tournament that defied expectation and prediction, did they succumb to the wild spirit of the last month and do the one thing they, and they alone, had managed to avoid. At the end, after the end, the French finally lost control. They celebrated at the final whistle, of course, their 4-2 victory over Croatia confirmed: Hugo Lloris led his teammates in an Icelandic thunderclap. The squad gathered together to hoist Didier Deschamps, its coach, into the air. Half a dozen players clambered into the stands to take French flags from the crowd.

France won the World Cup, but that is far from the whole story. So many players and teams came out of the tournament on towering highs or devastating lows. The rain had turned the pitch into a slip and slide. France players skid around everywhere completely ignoring that if they collect enough of those gold tokens, they will easily win the Crystal Maze.


It  has been almost 55 years since the colonial powers withdrew from Africa. Today, the African countries no longer face military threats ...