Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Isiolo is gradually climbing to the top position among the top 10 best towns for small businesses in Kenya.
The town has experienced some growth in the last few years with the most significant one being the Isiolo Airport which was build. This has seen the town being touted as the future Capital city. Future resort city, a railway center, an oil depot and the center point of the LAPPSET project are also among other big transformation the city is expected to witness.

The area has faced inter community war brought about by the planned projects due to interest in the surrounding land. Isiolo and Meru County have been involved in a row over the boundary with Isiolo residents claiming that the 1963 map of the 47 Kenyan districts upon which the current Counties are based was altered and parts of Isiolo town hived off to Meru County.

With all the rows going on the government needs to invest more in security to ensure investors who are trickling in the area at their security is of great importance to the county

Ewaso Nyiro River is also among what the county boasts for having, This River is to Isiolo County just like Lake Victoria is to Kisumu. A bit of irrigation is going on along the edges but more opportunity is yet to be tapped. The land areas of dry land can be put to use in large scale irrigation.

The town has also witnessed the growth of commercial banks .the growth of the banks is aimed at tapping the economic growth potential based on the Lamu port South Sudan Ethiopia transport (Lapsset) corridor. This is an opportunity for the real estate company to invest in the area. Storage facilities, residential homes and offices will be needed in the area because of the upcoming Airport and the growing number of business people who are migrating to the area.

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