Thursday, August 2, 2018


What is clear is that there are certain smells that can trigger very specific memories that can affect how we feel. Do you remember stuffs when you smell something familiar? Are you taken back to that moment when you breath and suddenly it’s the smell that reminds you of a memory?

Smell as it seems is a powerful weapon and can bring back a rush of memories. Some maybe unwanted , some very pleasant. For me if I smell something familiar I can literally travel from one place to another and stay there for a while deep in memories. Sometimes it does happen I find it really hard to recognise the smell and then I start joining the dots and only stop when I finally recall. The mind is just as stupid. It just doesn’t know when to stop.

Not always is the memory a fond one. I mostly have fond memories like when I visited a place I had once been. There was a particular soap I used there and whenever I happen to smell that soap till date I am immediately taken back to that time. The scenic beauty, the greenery, the snow. What is not there to love? Such a beautiful place that you just can’t help but keep want to visit it again and again.

Then there is the smell of book. It gives me immense happiness that cannot be described. (Though I am sure most of you who love reading would relate to this easily.) Not to forget the Smell of wet soil. Anyone? It just brings back memories of rainy season and somehow my childhood days.

Does it make me sound weird if I say sometimes I want to eat a particular smell? Like the smell of petrol. I can never get enough of it. Whenever I am in a petrol pump I am that weirdo who keeps exhaling the smell of petrol like some sort of fresh air. I know it’s poisonous but I want to taste petrol. Maybe on my deathbed. That could be my last wish. What? I would already be dying. Might as well taste it and die a few seconds earlier.

I understand though not all memories are worth remembering. Like the smell of the rejected love letter or that of the broken heart. For those who can really relate to this will know that how a familiar smell can ruin ones memory too. (For a period of time till the smell goes off). Again you cannot be someone to decide which memory to keep and which to not if you have a strong nose and can remember the fragrances. One bad memory can ruin the smell of even a great perfume. Right?

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