Saturday, August 4, 2018


Youths have been targeted and identified as a critical player towards agricultural transformation. Significant efforts are bending towards attracting this section of the population due to their potentials and abilities. In many regions, the campaign has been dubbed Agribusiness, making agriculture `cool` among many other lucrative languages to change the general attitude of the youths towards agripreneurship. In developing economies, the population is rapidly growing translating to the need to live up to the demands of the many mouths to feed. Food security, proper nutrition, economic empowerment, job creation are some of the top agendas that are driven by various governments to be spearheaded by the youths.
From various research, the average age of farmers is dominated mainly by aging population who are becoming unproductive every day and lack the necessary skills and abilities to cope with the agricultural advancements. The youths, therefore, have been under significant pressure from all quarters to replace the aging generation and feed the nation and having a better way of dealing with the massive unemployment rate. Many will agree that it is a noble course but the young generation aren’t going to blindly replace their aging parents without surety of prosperous future and proper structures or policies that to empower them with knowledge or tools in agribusiness to realize their dreams. From this angle, it is becoming more evident on the direction to take to drive more youths to farm and need to address the very many bottlenecks that have continuously frustrated and thrown out many young people from farming.
In many cases, efforts are shifting towards challenging the youths to embrace agriculture, but little concern has been deployed to listen to the frustrations many young farmers have encountered in their agribusiness careers plus the challenges that keep scaring away many young and hopeful farmers from embracing agribusiness.

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