Thursday, June 28, 2018


How many times have you sat at your desk and tried to focus on a task, only to find that your mind is wandering?
Despite your best intentions, you just can't concentrate. We've all been in this familiar, frustrating situation, and it's something that can really undermine our performance.
Your personal work environment plays a large role in your ability to concentrate. The more comfortable and welcoming your environment is, the easier it will likely be for you to stay there and focus.
Make sure you're comfortable – Start by ensuring that your chair and desk are at the right height for you to work comfortably. If your chair is too high or your desk is too low, you'll be uncomfortable, and you'll be tempted to use this as an excuse to get up and walk away.
Put up pictures and drawings– Viewing a natural scene or watching wildlife can help improve concentration. If you're able to put up pictures and drawings in your office or work area, then choose landscapes or natural images that you enjoy. This can help your focus, especially if you can see the pictures from your desk.
Listening to music can help, especially if it's instrumental music. Some people even use "white noise" apps – these produce a steady, undistracting sound like ocean waves or falling rain. This steady background noise can drown out other noise, helping you focus better and ignore distractions.
Decide which of a group of things are the most important so that you can deal with them first. Having too much to do can be distracting, and this sometime causes procrastination. Or, you may quickly jump from task to task, creating the illusion of work – but in reality, you're not accomplishing very much. If you're not sure which tasks to start or which are most important, take 10 or 15 minutes to prioritize your To-Do List
Get up and move around your work area and the work environment. Do you walk around during the day? If you're like many people, you probably don't move around enough. Research has shown that regular walking can help increase your focus during the day.
Focus on one task at a time while working. It can be much harder to focus if you take minibreaks (15–30 seconds) to answer emails, send text messages, or take quick phone calls. Some researchers believe that it can take up to 15 minutes for us to regain complete focus after a distraction.
To help increase your focus, start with a good breakfast, and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Your brain should be provided with the nutrients that are proper. This includes the proper regulation of your blood sugar, as glucose is the most important nutrient that you can consume and is the best for the brain.

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